Ferryman Whale

a ferryman whale feasting on specter plankton.
Ferryman Whales are large mammals that live in the depths of the Wonderland oceans.
Behavior and Observations
- They have two skeletons, one internal and one external.
- Their main source of nutrients are specter plankton. As a result, they are commonly seen around shipwrecks or whale falls.
- Their long, flowing fins resemble fabric, as if they were wearing robes.
- They have little to no body heat. Some say you can feel when they're nearby if the water around you gets extremely cold suddenly.
- They are typically seen as an omen of death and decay, mostly because they frequent places in decomposition. Some religions also claim they're responsible for guiding recently deceased souls into the sea.
Personal Notes
Usually they're seen hundreds of meters down, but we got pretty lucky. We didn't need to dive too deep to find one, although it was still very very dark. One of them kept staring at us... spooky.