Screen Nymph

a screen nymph manifesting on a smartphone.
Screen Nymphs are fairies with long feature-less faces and lanky arms.
Behavior and Observations
- They are not visible to the naked eye. The only way they can be seen normally is through reflective surfaces.
- Despite the fact they are essentially invisible, they do occupy physical space in the same way other animals do. Most people often bump into them, and they seemingly have no idea why.
- Most describe their appearance as "disturbing". Their faces are completely blank, save for a few uneven bumps. Their bodies are very thin, even to the point where their skeletons are visible, and extremely tall, about 2 meters. They have small wings on their back, but are not actually capable of flight.
- Contrary to what their uncanny appearance might suggest, they are completely harmless, and even friendly.
- They nest inside habitated houses, where they attempt to not disturb the owners of the house. Most people might have screen nymps in their home, and they don't even notice.
- They typically nest for life, but they can move out prematurely if the owners of the house directly ask them to leave. When leaving, they will leave a parting gift, typically consisting of a golden coin.
- They often leave small trinkets around houses where they nest as a gift to the owners of the house they are borrowing. They have been observed to prefer metallic or silver objects.
Personal Notes
My parents' home had a screen nymph. Back then they weren't discovered yet, so nobody believed me. I named him Bob, he was very nice. One time my teddy bear lost his arm, and the next day he had it sewed back, and also had a tiny silver pin. I used to think it was just my mom who did that, but I'm starting to think it was Bob.
I know a lot of people think they're terrifying, and I definitely understand why, seeing one of these from the corner of your eye is spooky, but they're just so nice and polite. It kinda makes me sad people hate them for looking scary.