Sea Pixie

a sea pixie getting ready to attack.
Sea Pixies are sea jellyfishes native to the wonderlandian sea.
Behavior and Observations
- They digest their prey externally. Their sting releases a powerful enzyme that dissolves flesh and cartilage.
- They typically only target medium sized fish. They have been observed to attack larger creatures (or even humans) if they feel threatened.
- The large appendages have a near-identical structure to their tentacles. Unlike their tentacles, these are shed every few months.
- Stray sheddings often sink to the ocean floor, where it's degraded and consumed by the microorganisms. In rare circumstances, these sheddings might float to the surface and end up near the seashore. It is worth noting these hold onto their dangerous secretions and, as a result, should be avoided if possible.
- Potentially related to the group of fairy species. They have been found to be loosely linked to the Last Common Fae Ancestor (LCFA).
Personal Notes
Strangely enough not the first jelly with flesh eating poison. I guess this island just loooves dissolving things to soup. Come to think of it, there's also soup jellyfishes out there. Is soup the ultimate stage of life? Do these creatures know something we don't? We may never know.