Lilypad Butterfly
A lilypad butterfly standing in water.--------------------------------------------------------------------

Lilypad Butterflies are water insects that resemble a lilypad.
Behavior and Observations
- They are covered in very tiny hairs that make their body hydrophobic. They can stand, walk and land on water.
- They have exceptionally long lifespans compared to other butterflies, about 5 years.
- After their metamorphosis, they spend most of their life travelling through the sea in long voyages that can last for up to 1 year before they settle momentarily to prepare for their next travel.
- They are capable of surviving on nothing but ocean water. This is how they can survive for many months flying through the ocean without perishing.
- They are present in most, if not all, oceans in the world. They are often seen as a sign of good luck during long expeditions, mostly because they tend to avoid storm clouds and turbulent waters.
Personal Notes
These are probably some of the most well known species in the rest of the world. Though, most people don't know they're from here. They're a pretty common sight in the open sea.
I am a bit jealous of them, admittedly. To have the freedom to fly through continents with ease, each of them must have travelled way more than any person ever could with all the money in the world.