Horned Dummy
horned dummies grazing the field.--------------------------------------------------------------------

Horned Dummies are the most common type of the 3 remaining Dumdum species.
Behavior and Observations
- They are closely related to the Winged and Glowing Dummies, as they are the last remnants of the, now-extinct, Dumdum.
- They may be related to Destiny Dummies as well, but it is not confirmed yet.
- They are omnivores. They do prefer fruits, though.
- They are typically docile. However, if they feel threatened, they will charge at full speed towards the aggressor.
- Their bodies are squishy and smooth, quite stretchy as well. Their horns are deceptively sharp.
- Their entire body is composed of the same squishy material as their outside.
- They only have one hole, which is the same for their mouth and stomach. Once their food reaches said stomach, it will simply dissolve and be absorbed into the mass.
- They, like the other 2 types of dummy, have incredible regeneration capabilities. If split in half, they may be able to regenerate into 2 different horned dummies.
Personal Notes
In case you're having trouble imagining a creature with no insides, it's like a giant mochi, or bread dough. Very impressive how they're capable of distributing nutrients across their bodies without any sort of circulatory system or anything like it.
It makes me so sad they're among the last remnmants of the Dumdum species. It's completely possible somewhere in the near future we will live in a Dumdum-less world, and that is so depressing. :[