Glowing Dummy
a glowing dummy swimming.--------------------------------------------------------------------

Glowing Dummies are one of the 3 remaining relatives of the extinct Dumdum species.
Behavior and Observations
- They share many characteristics with their sister species. Including their stretchy bodies and fast healing.
- Unlike said sister species, they are carnivorous.
- They utilize the glowing lure to attract small fish.
- They typically live near the surface, with the exception of whenever they go hunting. When they do this, they swim down into the depths where its lure is most visible.
- Another key difference between them and their siblings is their sharp teeth. They use it to immobilize bigger prey and also to defend themselves.
- Overall, they are the most "dangerous" of the 3. They're relatively harmless if left unbothered, though.
Personal Notes
Some people collect fallen lures from these when they wash up on the seashore. I'm not sure what exactly needs to happen for them to shed their lure, tho. They're supposed to be good luck charms and they look like gold beads.