Clockwork Fungus

a rabbit under the influence of the fungus.
Clockwork Fungus is a type of cordyceps with very unusual properties.
Behavior and Observations
- Most of their structure is hidden beneath the ground, with the exception of their caps which stay very close to the ground to dispense spores.
- The spores are then picked up by animals and pollinators. Interestingly enough, they appear to adhere more consistently to rabbit fur.
- Aside from its strange clock-like appearance, there is almost nothing unusual about it. Unless its spores come in contact with rabbits, in which case it will begin growing into a massive bulb atop their heads and alter their behavior drastically.
- Host rabbits have been observed to travel to one specific point of the island, known as Wonderland's Maw, where they will begin digging along with any other affected hosts. This cave has been dated to be about as old as the fungus itself, so we can safely assume it was not there before.
- Wonderland's Maw remains mostly unexplored. This is because the hosts get agitated very easily if anybody or anything attempts to enter it.
Personal Notes
Never seen Wonerland's Maw myself yet, but I've heard it's full of rabbits and spores. Gross! Maybe I'll visit it someday, but there's probably some sort of super evil mind control rabbit creature at the bottom of it so I'm not terribly excited to see it, maybe if it's like my last day on Earth and there won't be any consequence in case I do catch the evil mind control fungus myself.