Sea Wailer
a pair of Sea Wailers frolicking.--------------------------------------------------------------------

The Sea Wailer is a species of aquatic mammal that resembles a cat-seal hybrid.
Behavior and Observations
- Despite their appearance, they are not felines. A common superstitious belief is that they are seals that evoled to look like cats to exploit our sense of cuteness (This has no real evidence and doesnt really correlate with their behavior, as they are not particularly fond of humans or human intervetion).
- They DO, however, have cat-like claws. And they will NOT hesitate to use them.
- Although they are not particularly dangerous or violent, you should avoid them as much as posible as they are very territorial and may get agitated if they consider you a threat to their cubs.
- They have the strength to lift up to 10x their bodyweight, which is around 2000 kilograms. They have been observed to use this incredible strenght to grab and launch anything they don't like (Which includes you if you bother them).
- They make noises that could be interpreted as low-pitched meowing. If they feel threatened, they will begin hissing(do NOT approach a hissing sea wailer, no matter how adorable it may look).
- They are hermaphrodite. In the sense that they do have distinct sexual characteristics, but produce 2 types of gametes each. Because of this, they have no need to distinguish between "male" or "female" when choosing a mate. It is unknown what kind of evolutionary environment led to this.
Personal Notes
From a biological perspective, they are very strange creatures. Not only have they evolved to perfectly mimic common household cats, but they are also the first ever documented species of hermaphrodite mammals in the history of humanity. I guess that just tells me that basically anything is possible in Wonderland.
Aside from that, they are pretty adorable. I especially love their big paws with the massive toe beans, so cute!!!