Sea Friend
A diver petting a sea friend.--------------------------------------------------------------------

The Sea Friend is an aquatic creature that lives in the depths of the wonderlandian ocean.
Behavior and Observations
- They are (usually) harmless to humans if not provoked. Some may even guide lost divers back to land.
- Whenever they get close to the surface, they close their eyes to avoid harming them, as they are used to the darkness of the ocean and have difficulty adapting to sunlight.
- Their eyes and insides are pitch black, capable of absorbing up to 99.5% of visible light.
- Though they are peaceful, it is advised to avoid them, as they can be easily annoyed and are extremely agile and vicious hunters.
- Whenever they begin hunting, sharp spikes emerge from their back. It is unkown why they do this, the more widely accepted idea is that they do this to ward off any larger predators that may steal their prey.
- If you are ever in a situation where you see a sea friend with spikes on its back or open eyes, it is advised that you stay perfectly still and pray it doesn't see you.
Personal Notes
I used to think they were cute, but after seeing what they actually look like i'm frankly terrified of them. They don't even look THAT scary, it's just they look so uncanny, like somebody tried to draw a seal from memory and did something horribly wrong in the proccess. I risked my life for the photo below, worth it I think. DO NOT MESS WITH THEM.
last thing you see before you (probably) die
Fun fact, the person in the first photo is Reina's mom. Pretty much everyone in her family are professional scuba divers, but she was the only one that volunteered to help us after we told them we were trying to see a sea friend. After we took the photos, she told me a story about how Rein's dad got attacked by one of them before she was born.