Sea Bride

A Sea Bride looking for food particles.
The Sea Bride is a fish notorious for its oversized fins resembling a dress.
Behavior and Observations
- They are filter feeders. They float nearby the sea floor or corals to catch microscopic particles of sustenance.
- Female sea brides can be identified by their smaller decorative fins, unlike male sea brides like the one in the picture.
- Many speculate the purpose of their big fins are to attract mates, however there is no concrete evidence supporting this. The more likely reason is that they use it to mimic jellyfish and avoid predation.
- Their decorative fins are edible if cooked properly and can be harvested ethically, as they grow back if severed. They are used in a popular dish called "Wish soup", in which people write wishes on the severed fins, as if it were a strip of paper, and then eat it. The taste is described as similar to mint candy and it's very popular during festivals or religious ceremonies.
Personal Notes
I tried wish soup last festival and I kinda liked it. The sweet fins really create a nice contrast with the vegetable soup. Aside from that, I think they're pretty but I'm not the biggest fan of them. I can totally see why people like them, they're just not that interesting to me.