Ribbon Specter
A group of Ribbon Specters hiding in the fog.--------------------------------------------------------------------

The Ribbon Specter is a type of land jellyfish known for resembling a ghost-like archetype.
Behavior and Observations
- Similar to most land jellyfish, they move in a slow, ethereal manner.
- They have black spots at the top of their umbrella that usually resemble a face.
- They are completely nocturnal. Exposure to sunlight causes its membrane to disintegrate.
- Their tentacles are coated in a sticky substance that they use to digest their food externally.
- They mostly sustain themselves with small insects that get caught in their tentacles or plants. When digesting plants, they appear to secrete a mist of sorts which makes the plant instantly wither and die. A good way to tell if there are ribbon specters nearby is to check for any dead plants.
- Under extremely rare conditions, they might eat small animals like squirrels or medialunarmadillos. Under even more extremely rare conditions, they might attack humans.
- They travel in groups. Whenever they get separated, they will begin to call other specters nearby with a ghastly wail.
Personal Notes
When I was trying to take a good picture of them, they got a bit toooo close and accidentally touched one. Looking back, I was probably in immense danger and I was really dumb, but at least I am still in one piece (for now). The sting itself is pretty hard to describe, it's not really painful but it feels like your skin is just about to melt but it doesn't, weidly itchy. I ended up going to the doctor just in case and they said I just have a mild burn on my hand.
Gonna take a week or two to rest and let my hand heal. See you guys soon :]!