Murderevil Bear

A Murderevil Bear getting ready to sleep.
The Murderevil is a bear-like forest animal.
Behavior and Observations
- Despite their threatening appearance, they are completely harmless.
- Their teeth are only capable of processing plants and fruits.
- They often perform hygene rituals in which they clean their hair. Because of this, many say their fur is extremely soft and clean.
- Perfectly safe to approach, though they are shy and might run away.
- Their hackles appear to be raised at all times. This contributes to their menacing appearance and is belived to be a defense mechanism to deter any larger predators.
Personal Notes
Lovely creatures. Usually if something looks cute, it will kill you, but these guys are the other way around. They were actually documented in my dad's original notes when he first discovered the island, so I guess he is to blame for the harmless, adorable creature being named "Murder Evil".

A murderevil bear sleeping peacefully.