
A mother medialunarmadillo carrying its pups.
Medialunarmadillos are a species of armadillo that resembles an argentine pastry.
Behavior and Observations
- Their shells are squishy but extremely durable.
- They emmit a pleasant bakery-like scent anywhere they go. Many hikers often report the aroma of pastries and baked goods in areas where they live.
- When sleeping or threatened, they curl into a crescent shape and their shell hardens.
- They carry their pups on their backs to avoid losing sight of them.
- They are born without shells, but quickly develop one after the first week of life. Once they develop one, they keep it permanently. The only situations in which they might regrow or shed is if it has been severely damaged.
- Shelless medialunarmadillos are a pale shade of yellow, similar to uncooked dough.
Personal Notes
This one kinda puzzles me. How does it know exactly what a pastry from a country thousands of kilometers away looks like? I don't think we even know why they do that, I can't really think of any good evolutionary reason why looking like a delicious snack would help it thrive in the ecosystem. I can't really complain tho, they give the forest a very nice and soothing aroma.