Cheshire Longneck
a Cheshire Longneck loafing.--------------------------------------------------------------------

The Cheshire Longneck, also known as the common Cheshire, or simply cheshire cat, is a breed of housecat with a particular appearance.
Behavior and Observations
- Apart from their unusual appearance, they are basically just regular domestic cats. They may require more special accomodations due to their long neck, though.
- Attempting to document their appearance through pictures or videos will result in an unclear image (hence the blurry image above). They can, however, be drawn or sketched with no particular difficulty.
- They are capable of headbutting.
- They are just as affectionate as regular cats. When they like something, they coil their long tails around that thing. A common sign to tell if a Cheshire Longneck feels loved or safe is if it coils its tail around its owner's arms.
- They are notoriously resistant to sedatives and stimulants, like catnip. This means they are immune to the effects of the Alice Daisy flower, and are often seen playing around with them (usually to the plant's detriment).
- For most of their life, the bones in their necks are very durable and resistant. However, as they age and get older their bones get weaker and are more prone to harm. Older Chesire Longnecks typically lay with their head resting for most of their day.
Personal Notes
They are pretty common around the island, most people just keep them as pets. Something funny I noticed is whenever I talk to a Cheshire cat owner, they try to show me pictures of them, which is cute and all but all of them are just blurry messes with the ocassional barely-recognizable blue blob. It took me a lot of attempts to get a clear enough picture. The kitty I photographed was called Mimi, he was very patient and nice :].