Festival Gnomes

A group of festival gnomes being carried by the wind together.
The Festival Gnomes are small, luminous beings that always travel in groups.
Behavior and Observations
- They form colonies of many individuals where they connect their hands and form long strings of up to 100 gnomes. The longest colony ever recorded had 522 gnomes.
- They emmit light from the appendage on their heads, akin to christmas lights.
- They are extremely social animals. Isolation from other gnomes can lead them to extreme stress, and even death.
- They have an affinity for music and lights. If they hear a song they like, they will start moving up and down while floating through the air.
- Common Quetzalcoatls are very fond of these creatures. Due to the light they emit, they often chase eachother around in a playful manner.
- Their diet consists mostly of candy, which they either steal sneakily from children or receive during festivals. They have been observed to usuallly prefer sweet and crunchy candy and heavily dislike sour candy, though it really depends on the personality of the gnome.
Personal Notes
Cute little guys. They hold hands with eachother to prevent drifting away as they soar through the winds, and if that isn't adorable enough I don't know what is. Pretty much everyone always has a bag full of rock candy to give to these guys during festivals. It is also interesting how much they resemble christmas lights, I wonder which one came first?