Carrot Fly

a carrot fly specimen in a carrot field.
The carrot fly is a type of bug that is typically seen in carrot farms.
Behavior and Observations
- Carrot flies are completely harmless to humans. They are not capable of bringing or transmiting diseases.
- They have a proboscis-like tongue that they use to pierce their prey and eat it. So they CAN sting, but only if they feel threatened. Their bite is non-toxic and won't do much other than feel itchy for a couple minutes.
- They have evolved to resemble carrots. Through some simple observation, we were able to determine that it does this as a form of camouflage.
- They eat smaller bugs, mostly those that inhabit carrot farms naturally. Because of this, they are a good and organic alternative to pesticides and are traded in mass world-wide in the farming market.
- It is currently unknown if they have evolved this mechanism around human-made farms.
Personal Notes
These little guys are awesome. I love how their tiny wings can carry them, it's very funny to watch them fly around. They have also helped the island a ton economically, as they are very easy to breed and have a lot of utility for farmers all over the world. They tend to live in the more inhabited areas, where most of the farmers are, but i've seen them flying around pretty much everywhere. I've been stung by them a couple times, but it's not the worst.